About Us
HOC Radio, also known as Happening On Campus, is the radio station of NHL Stenden, located in Rengerslaan 8. The radio station can be found in the Media Lab (0.55b).
HOC Radio is a station that makes radio for every study and its students. Discussing NHL Stenden news, stories and any topic related to the student life. HOC Radio helps students in their study life by entertaining and informing.
HOC Radio is run by students of NHL Stenden, all participating due to interests in radio. The students are at the forefront of managing the station and are always seeking studies and its students to produce their own radio shows. With the assistance of the student radio managers, they get the chance to produce and host their own shows. With more students from different study programmes joining the station, HOC Radio has a lot of growing potential.
HOC Radio sees itself as a valuable part of NHL Stenden’s future.